Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas From Kennedy

On Friday, December 21, 2007 I received a phone call from Carol. "I just emailed you pictures and I think you are really going to like them." I got off the phone and checked my email. "Merry Christmas from Kennedy" was in the subject line.
Since Kennedy's birth I knew it was not realistic to think that we would have her home for Christmas. I thought I was prepared for that. Then yesterday, out of the blue, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Since that time, I have been pretty emotional. Adoptive mothers joke amongst themselves about "adoption hormones". Unless you have been through an adoption process, you have no idea the kind of roller coaster ride your emotions can take you on. So yes, this Christmas is bitter sweet. We have our daughter....we just don't have our daughter.
While talking with Carol, she said that even though we don't have our pre-approval yet, Paco registered our case with PGN. With the passage of a new adoption law in Guatemala, all in process adoptions must be registered with the "Central Authority" by December 31, 2007. By registering our case with PGN, Paco did just that. Our case should proceed as is.
I have posted a few more photos of Kennedy below. And as always, please keep us in your prayers. We still expect to have Kennedy home by April, but we need all of your prayers to help make that happen.