How can I focus on anything other than "Kennedy is coming home!". I have this list of things constantly running through my head. I started keeping a notepad with me at all times so when I think of something to take along to Guatemala, I jot it down so I don't forget. I think we are set with all of Kennedy's things be packed. I can't forget to get the stroller out of the car.....see another item for my list! I have pretty much planned out my wardrobe in my head, but I haven't actually packed anything for me yet. And so it where others needs will always come before mine.
Brit and I went to celebrate Kennedy's homecoming on Saturday night at Casa Sanchez, a Mexican restaurant in Selinsgrove. It is not quite Guatemala, but - hey - they border Guatemala! We had a nice time and ran into my second cousin and her soon to be husband. It was nice seeing them in person again and being able to share well wishes with one another.
On Sunday we had an interesting "invitation making" session at my house. Printing off invites for Kennedy's home coming party/baby shower. My mom, aunt Trudy, Mama, and I had fun trying to assemble the invites. Some how we got it all taken care of. Now we just need to get everyone's addresses to actually send them out!
Well, today is Monday. This means I only have three more days until we are with Kennedy forever! (Or as Brit puts it, "Three days and a wake up.") On any given week, Fridays can never seem to get here fast enough. This week, I want it to come at warp speed!