I could smell PINK…it was in the air. We finally got a response to an email today. The embassy confirmed that they received everything and that I should get an email within the next two days telling us we are PINK. Brit and I stopped at the grocery store to pick up items to make for supper. A s we walked right into the bakery section it was PINK-A-PA-LOOZA! They had all of these cakes, cookies, cup cakes, etc. decorated in PINK icing. I looked at Brit and said, "This is a sign from God. We are getting one of those cakes!" When we got home, Brit called the Embassy. The woman he spoke with confirmed what the email had told us. She said they are currently scheduling appointments for4/21/08. We then both felt a little relief and finished making supper. It was a b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l day today so we decided to make beef shish-ka-bobs on the grill. After we were finished eating, I checked me email again. I yelled for Brit who was still in the kitchen…we got something! There is was…our “PINK” email had arrived! It is called a “Pink Slip” because before they started emailing you with an appointment date, they would give the information to your attorney on a bright pink piece of paper.
We immediately started calling everyone to share our news! Our appointment is 4/21/08. We are making travel arrangements and will be arriving in Guatemala City on 4/18 and will be returning home 4/23. This week was so difficult. I cried so much waiting for this email to arrive. After all, we thought we would have received this email on Monday - at the latest! When I was talking with my cousin Heidi she asked, “So did you just burst into tears when you got the email?” At first I couldn’t remember and then I said, “No. I was just so happy I started smiling and laughing!” I was just “cried out” from the emotionally exhausting week. Mamma stopped in and we grabbed a bottle of champagne out of the fridge and had a toast to Kennedy Marguerite. Tomorrow night we are going out to dinner somewhere to celebrate!
Thank you all for your prayers and support. As always, we NEVER could have gotten through this without you!