On the way home from work, my cell phone rang. It was Carol! I took a deep breath as I answered the phone and hoped for good news......."I just found out we have second DNA authorization," she said. "Yeay!" I exclaimed! "Does this mean we are ORANGE?"
Okay, for those of you who do not know the adoption lingo...being ORANGE is a good thing! This means that we have been granted authorization to have Kennedy DNA tested for the final time. This is our last step. Once the results from the DNA test are received, the Embassy will send us our PINK "slip" which will state when our appointment will be to bring Kennedy home!
So I am happy to be ORANGE, but can't wait to be PINK! I am hoping we will be in Guatemala by the second week in April! Please keep the prayers coming! God has been so good to us. We can't wait to get her home and we can't wait for all of you to meet this amazing little girl! As you can see from the photo of Kennedy and Mamma.....she will win you over!